26/08/2021 To 30/08/2021

Not have initenary available

Not have include data available

Not have departure dates

Not have available hotels




** They can be subscriptions, physical tickets, electronic or to download through an app on the mobile (pass wallet, etc), so it is necessary that the client has a mobile phone with internet access to be able to show the downloaded entry in the mobile. Sn Esencial Tours is exempt from any responsibility if customers do not have a smartphone if they are tickets to download in the app. 

** In the case of tickets, the price that appears in it is not binding with the sale price, since it includes management, shipping-delivery, taxes. The client accepts and consents to said purchase, and in the knowledge of the aforementioned, accepts the non-possibility of any claim, regarding the price. In the price that we inform, we include management fees, taxes, processing and shipping.

** The name that appears on the event tickets, both physical and electronic, may be different from that of the person who purchased the ticket (for the vast majority of events, a massive purchase of tickets is made under a single name, therefore all tickets have the same name, the one provided for the bulk purchase, and not the name of the customer who finally purchases the ticket).

** The client accepts the conditions indicated here, and there will be no possible claim since entry is given in the chosen area and at the price informed in the confirmation email (it is very important that this be communicated to the client).

** SN Esencial Tours will always respect the established categories according to our sales plan, and may be different from those established by the event organizer. Customers are buying situation in the stadium based on the categories that SN Essential Tours establishes, which may or may not match the category printed at the entrance. To avoid inconvenience, we inform you that there may be variations in the official categories of the event organizer, which may affect the location of the categories in the tickets purchased.

** Prices subject to confirmation at the time of booking.

** Important to know the hotel where clients are staying in the event city; You have to provide us with name, address and reservation as it is made. Tickets / subscriptions will be given in the event city in your own hand / hotel on behalf of the client, the day before the event or even on occasion, on the same morning of the event; always confirming that the reservation has been made according to the name of the customers. Tickets will not be left if the name of the reservation does not match the name of the informed customer. It is important to have the customer's telephone number and we will give a contact telephone number for any inconvenience that may arise.

** It is also possible that for the delivery of the tickets there is a pick up at a point near the stadium, the same day of the event.

** It is the responsibility of the client, to notify urgently in case of not having tickets 12 hours before the game. SN Esencial Tours is exempt from any responsibility if the client does not inform it in advance.

** At the time of booking the ticket, the expenses generated are 100% there is no possibility of cancellation without expenses.

** All cancellations made by the client himself (own decision) with Sn Esencial Tours, will not give rise to any compensation and the penalty will be 100%.

** If client cancels by situations as terrorism, adverse weather events (hurricanes, natural disasters …) epidemics, pandemics …. will not involve compensation or refund to the client, being the penalty 100%, EXCEPT if the official event's organizer establish compensation or return. Sn Esencial Tours will follow the same way that official organizer decides in the part meaning services refund.

** Expected time and day, as reported. Any changes will be communicated. Sn Esencial Tours, is exempt from any responsibility for event programming changes. Tickets once purchased, there is no possibility of return or cancellation without 100% expenses.

** Prices may change at any time.